Tom Veal's Electronic Lumber Room
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"Stromata" (Greek for "things left lying around", hence "miscellany") seemed like an apt name for this repository of random writings and observations. Like everybody else these days, I also have a blog, which, I confess, tends to be kept more up to date than this site.
Religion concentrates primarily on the history of the Christian Church, with special attention to the ante-Nicene era.
History reflects my indiscriminate interest in what happened in the past, regardless of where or when.
Literature is as indiscriminate as History but does have some areas of specialization, notably the writings of C. S. Lewis and the Shakespeare Authorship "controversy".
Science Fiction is one of my hobbies, and I've been active in SF fandom for mumblety-mumble years. Reproduced here are various fannish writings, fragments of fanhistory, and reminiscences of Chicon 2000, the World Science Fiction Convention that I chaired.
Wargaming is my other time (and money) consuming hobby.
The Public Policy section is not intended to be a series of ignorant tirades, but readers' opinions may vary. The general perspective is right of center. Anyone who is irritated by The Wall Street Journal's editorial page, Commentary, the Daily Telegraph or the Washington Times should do his blood pressure a favor and read less contentious sections.
Every personal Web site has a Photo Album, so this one does too. The pictures are of friends and family members who were unlucky enough to step within range of Uncle Tom's digital camera. But no vacation snapshots ever! I promise.
Stories and Verse is purely a vanity section. Those who are curious can find out why I don't make my living as a professional writer.
ERISA is how I do make my living. (If you don't know what "ERISA" means, you won't be interested in anything posted here.) Included are articles of professional interest and updates for my treatise Pension Plan Terminations, published by BNA Books.
Miscellaneous is the miscellaneous section of a miscellany and therefore truly unpredictable.
Letters of Comment will be published when and if I receive them. The easiest way to send them is by using the Instant LoC Form or writing in the Guest Book. Comments can also be sent via e-mail, or even by regular mail to 3000 North Sheridan Road, Apt. 2C, Chicago, Illinois 60657.
What's New? tracks additions to and deletions from the content of Stromata.
Despite all advances in computerdom, no machine can substitute adequately for a human-compiled Table of Contents and Indexes. I'll strive to keep these reasonably up to date but make no binding commitments.
Stromata is published by Tom Veal and hosted by All contents not copyrighted by others are Copyright © 2005 by Edward Thomas Veal. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated, permission is granted to reproduce and distribute all site content, so long as it is not misrepresented and proper credit is given to the author.
This site was constructed using Trellix Web 2.7, a truly marvelous product now owned by GlobalScape, which has burdened it with the hideous name "CuteSITE Builder". Even under that monicker, it is worth ten times its price to anyone who wants to set up a Web site without learning a byte of HTML.