Philcon Reporter, Sunday Issue
Published on Sunday, Sept. 6th, by the 11th World S F Convention ----------Issue Two
EDITORIAL STAFF: Dave Kyle, Reta Grossman, Rich Elsberry, Karl Olsen, Fran Lipton, Bob Silverberg, Jerry Hopkins, George F. Viksnins, Dori Rothman
The first winning bid last night was for $23.00 ----- a cover from “Fantastic Story Magazine” by Bergy. After other illustrations came one of the convention’s outstanding dramas: a pre-circulation copy of a hard cover anthology was going to be auctioned off. Editor Sam Mines guaranteed to autograph a copy ---- with a kiss promised to the winner, if female. To cut corners, the book finally went for $8.50 and just so happened to be bought by a beautiful lady. Sam wasted no time and, surrounded by a bevy of photographers, he proceeded to acknowledge her purchase. As he kissed her, bulbs snapped and some happy fans went away with a memento of the occasion on film. The auction went on in full force under the able hawking of Sam Moskowitz and finally the manuscripts were on the block. One of the first items was the outline for Alred Bester’s Galaxy serial and Shasta’s hard-cover novel, “The Demolished Man.” Harlan Ellison finally ended up with it for $10.00. He obtained permission to publish it in his excellent fan mag, “Science Fantasy Bulletin.” Jerry Bixby was roused out of revery and taken down to the Burgundy Room where somebody had an original manuscript for “Jen”. It just so happened that another girl was the purchaser of this item, and in the true Sam Mines tradition, Jerry proceeded to express his appreciation. A little after this, the auction started to come to a close, but before it did, the Committee wished to auction off a complete set of bound “Unknowns”. An offer of $25.00 had previously been made, but a set price of $50.00 or more had been agreed on. As the auction closed, a fan from the back of the room made an accepted offer of $50.00 and walked off with the Unknowns. The auction came to a close with two announcements: the auction would continue Monday evening, and one of the items would be a very rare copy of a fanzine published in 1939 by Ray Bradbury. It is Volume 1, Number 1, and has a cover by Bok.
If you have something to contribute to the discussions or resolutions Monday morning, please see Dave Kyle today or leave a written memo for him at the desk. Dave has to prepare the agenda early tomorrow morning.
This is the second copy of the PHILCON REPORTER. Thanks for the wonderful reception you gave the first issue----despite our awkward rush job. We hope the second issue will be better--and tomorrow’s to be the best. Please help us. We will receive all news items and offers of help Monday noon in room 1010.
We warned you! All liquor stores and bars are closed today in Philly! But bars are open today in Camden, New Jersey, just across the river. The hotel will furnish liquor for $2.00 more than State Liquor Store prices. The Convention Committee does not have any liquor for sale. More about liquor supplies in tomorrow’s paper.
The 11th World SFC was fortunate to intermingle its social activities with the 101st Airborne, which was holding its annual get-together at the wonderful Bellevue-Stratford. S-F and parachuting were able to meet on a mutual lack of ice and love of liquor. To them, we were Tom Corbett and the Space Cadets, etc. And they were non-fen, wearing badges titled EUNO-BAHO (Europe, Normandy, Bastogne, Holland). They meet next year in Cleveland. Will we??
As a result of yesterday’s interview, a writeup about the convention and sf fandom has appeared in today’s BULLETIN. The article is accompanied by a picture of George Sinclair in his robot costume being welcomed by Patricia Lake. Last evening’s group from the hotel journeyed to Philly radio station WPEN. The group included Dr. and Mrs. John D. Clark, Mr. Richard Kipp, the Asimovs, L. Sprague de Camp, and Dave Eynon. Of these, L. Sprague de Camp, John Clark, and Isaac Asimov were interviewed for a period of fifteen minutes by Steve Allison of that station.
We’re sorry, but we don’t have a file of yesterday’s PHILCON REPORTER for all of you who want a copy. But dig around--a lot were put out and you ought to be able to get one.
Our editorial staff, it seems, will go to any lengths to secure publicity coverage for the con, even to sidetracking a reporter who was checking on a competing convention. It would seem that two of our staff intercepted a telephone call from one of the Philadelphia newspapers checking on the time schedule of another banquet. True blue fans they were and loyal to the cause (and having no scruples), they suggested that worthier copy might be found at the Philcon banquet tonight.
Visitors to the 14th floor are warned to avoid the 1450-1460 wing. In a pentacled room with drawn blinds, several fen armed with an authentic(?) copy of the dread “Necronomicon” are performing certain arcane experiments of the usual unmentionable type. Fen resident in this area or near room 1450 are to consider themselves forewarned. (Garlic may be purchased at nearby stores.)
The Rules of the convention were amended on the motion of Morrill Gwosdof, by the addition of the following clause: “6. In the choice of the site of the next (Twelfth) World Science Fiction Convention”, if no city shall have a majority on the first ballot, the first runoff election shall be held among the three leaders; and if no city shall again have a majority, the second runoff vote shall be held between the first two of those three.”
Last night, at about 2 A.M., the Broad Str. bypassers were serenaded by Barbara Sheckley, Carol Pohl and Evelyn Harrison, accompanied by the guitar playing of Robert Sheckley. They were sitting on the ledge by the window of 1010, the famed convention suite. Lester de Rey and Milton Rothman were trying hard to prove to each other how sober they were. Charles Dye, in he usual glowing state, was trying to hold forth with Alan E. Nourse. Harry [name illegible] was on the subject of the problems of writer’s agents, plus wives and children, etc. George O. Smith was defending pro conventions against a half-a-dozen of fans who were sitting there, lapping up eagerly every word that flowed forth from his ruby-red lips. And who was that gorgeous blonde in that low-cut black dress??
Fan activities last night centered on Suite 1418, in which active fans Harlan Ellison, Dave Ish, Jim Schreiber, Bob Silverberg and Karl Olsen are registered. Dave Mason and Shel Deretchin were on hand to publish a one-shot, and parties were under way in each of the suite’s three rooms. Larry Shaw, Harry Harrison and Frank Robinson helped some twenty fans to use up the suite’s alcohol supplies.
While in Philly you may want to take advantage of some of the entertainment currently being offered here.
Theatre goers can attend the comedy “Springtime for Henry” at 8:30 P.M. at the Playhouse in the Park, route 85 to Belmont and Parkside Avenues. Edward Everett Horton heads the cast. Special buses operate directly to the theatre from 52nd & Market Streets and from Germantown and Chelten Avenues at 7:45 P.M.
The Woodside Amusement Park will be open over the weekend at Ford and Monument Roads (#85, E, XB).
The Philadelphia Athletics baseball team will play the Boston Red Sox this afternoon. There will be an afternoon doubleheader tomorrow with the Washington Senators. Connie Mack Stadium, 21st and Lehigh Avenues. Tickets are 75¢ to $2.75.
Only Canadians at the convention seem to be 5 fans from Toronto. Early arrivals at the con were Les del Rey, A.J. Budrys, Bob Tucker, Frank Robinson, Robert Sheckley, E.E. Evans, etc. Others arrived early, but checked into the bar rather than the hotel. # Don Ford was giving out tickets Friday for an invitational party in his room Some fans didn’t like the idea of ending the so-called “Open Door” policy. # Gordon Dickson, Mpls. writer who will play his guitar and sing on Monday night’s program, admits that his voice is atrocious but feels that the lyrics for his songs, written by himself, will make up for this. # Note to Milt Rothman: How about getting Ted Sturgeon, Dickson, Doc Winter and Bob Sheckley together with their guitars for a jam session the final night? # Harlan Ellison, running neck and neck with 4J Ackerman for the title of the most popular fan, was one of the BNF’s not introduced at the opening of the con. Ellison says he does not plan to sue. # If you have a TV set, tune in the Allen Prescott show at 9 A.M. tomorrow. Allen will interview some fans and pros (we think).
Several fans have invited Bert Campbell of England to visit them while he’s still in America for the rest of the month, and so he’s planning his travels accordingly. Don’t be bashful! If you’d like to have a genuine English editor in your home, why, then step right up and let the guy know. It’ll really make him feel that he’s a welcome guest on this side of the pond. . . . and, incidentally, don’t forget he’s brought samples of English s-f over with him in hopes that you’ll be interested in reading and buying. English restrictions on currency make him depend on working out ways of getting American dollars without the need to get people to donate funds.