Hunt Watch Table of Contents
5/23/02: President Bush is accused of a strangely improbable "cover-up".
5/30/02: Hunt doesn't think that idealists can help others without instructions from the government.
6/6/02: Hunt to Ashcroft: Whatever you're doing, don't.
6/13/02: Al Gore needs to learn from the 2000 campaign - but not very much.
6/20/02: Hunt wants to oust Saddam Hussein - but only after debating ways and means for another decade or so.
6/27/02: Using kids as a pretext to gut welfare reform.
7/11/02: Slapdash remedies for accounting fraud.
718/02: Hunt is unhappy that not all Democrats march in lockstep on campaign finance "reform".
7/25/02: Proving that no one can be wrong all of the time, Mr. Hunt offers sensible and sobering thoughts on the need to accelerate the destruction of Russia's Cold War stockpile of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.
8/1/02: Hunt rehashes his earlier arguments against doing anything about Saddam Hussein.
8/8/02: A feeble effort to reassure us that liberal policy nostrums have nothing to do with the sharp decline in the rate of adoption of at-risk children.
8/15/02: Hunt proposes to topple Saddam Hussein through "transparency".
8/22/02: Hunt approaches baseball just like politics.
8/29/02: Mixing patriotism, politics and treacle.
9/5/02: Another try at rallying Democrats behind inaction on Iraq.
9/12/02: Al is disappointed by the war effort, because we haven't suffered enough.
9/19/02: Blather about health care: a little distortion, a dash of self-revelation.
9/26/02: Tax cuts are the root of all evil.
10/3/02: Al doesn't mind if Democrats ignore his advice, just so long as they win.
10/10/02: In New Jersey, Al does his bit for the Democratic Senate switcheroo.
11/7/02: Al tries to figure out what went wrong and concludes that it was all the fault of the right-wing media.
11/14/02: Al urges Nancy Pelosi to take Charlie Halleck as her role model.
11/21/02: Now that the Department of Homeland Security has become law, Al decides that he doesn't like it.
12/5/02: Al takes on the "mushy moderates".
12/12/02: An attack on the White House for basing its economic policy on polls and supporting tax cuts for the rich.
12/19/02: What Al doesn't say about the contest for the Democratic Presidential nomination is the most informative part of this column.
12/26/02: Al's end-of-the-year in memoria.
1/2/03: A good start for the New Year: sensible words about the gargantuan task of bringing education to New York City public schools.
1/9/03: The good start doesn't continue: a pedestrian piece on the newly elected Senate.
1/16/03: Al the Dove morphs into a super-hawk on Korea and Iraq.
1/23/03: Al calls in the army to silence to critics of "affirmative action".
2/6/03: Without meaning to do so, Al demonstrates that conservatives have little reason to rejoice at the White House's FY 2004 budget.
2/13/03: Après Saddam, Al sees nothing but trouble in Iraq.
2/20/03: Al offers a weasel-like defense of filibusters against judicial nominees.
2/27/03: At last conceding the justice of overthrowing Saddam Hussein, Al nonetheless finds reasons to condemn George W. Bush.
9/18/03: Al labors to stir up resentment against "this gilded age of greed".
9/25/03: Does Iraq prove that we need higher taxes? You already know what Al thinks.
10/2/03: A ho-hum look at the current state of the Dem race in New Hampshire. Any guy with a subscription to The Washington Post could write the same story.
10/9/03: Al urges Arnold Schwarzenegger to emulate Ronald Reagan — well, sort of.
[Another Hiatus]
3/18/04: Is George W. Bush "the real flip-flopper"?
3/25/04: Al gets passionate over The Passion.
4/1/04: Al accuses President Bush of a "credibility canyon", but it's not even a crack.
4/8/04: Not much comment on a nothing column about the office "that isn't worth a bucket of warm spit".
4/15/04: Al offers a surprisingly balanced summary of the GOP Senate primary in Pennsylvania.
4/22/04: Al spreads incoherent gloom about Iraq.