Philcon Reporter, Saturday Issue
Published Saturday, Sunday and Monday by the 11th World S F Convention 1953
EDITORIAL STAFF: Dave Kyle, Lyle Kessler, Karl Olsen, Reta Grossman, Norm G. Browne, Bob Tucker, Rich Elsberry, Jerry Hopkins, George Viksnins, Fran Lipton, Bob Silverberg
Publicity for this convention has already been published. Two photographs have appeared – one in the Saturday morning issue of The Inquirer and the Saturday Daily News. Appearing in the pictures are Peggy Gordon and robot, who will appear in the PSFS skit on Sunday. One news write-up was in the Friday Inquirer. Mentioned were Bob Tucker, Willy Ley, Werner von Braun, Milt Rothman, Gerry de la Rae. Tonight’s Bulletin expects to have a news story by a reporter who was present today. If you desire copies of these pictures and stories, buy them now or you’ll probably miss them.
For those who might like to see sf or fantasy movies while in Philly, here is a list of all such films playing in the city:
It Came From Outer Space
BROADWAY-Broad & Wyoming
Subway North
Beast From 20,000 Fathoms
BELMONT-52nd & Market
Market Elevated
Invaders From Mars
DELL-40th & Girard
The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T
GIRARD-7th & Girard
B’way St Subway & #15 E.
Scared Stiff
NEW MAYFAIR-59th & Market
Market St Elevated
Four-Sided Triangle
PALACE-12th & Market
Three blocks from hotel
We also feel we should mention “Rocket to Mars”, currently featured at the Fels Planetarium, 20th Street & Parkway. The show is daily, except Monday, at 3 p.m. and tonight at 8:30 p.m. To reach the Planetarium, take Trolley #38 to 19th Street.
Want liquor during Sat, Sunday & Monday? Then read this important info: Many fans are already acquainted with the fact that there are certain restrictions on selling liquor in the Phila. area. So we will attempt to give you the facts in case you’re confused.
Liquor stores in the hotel area will be open until 9 p.m. on Saturday evening. They will then be closed for the duration of the Con. Liquor stores that are on the outskirts of the hotel area close at 7. If you wish to go to a tavern, you will have to get there before 12 p.m. Saturday, as there is a curfew at that time. Bars will reopen at 7 Monday morning. If you are in dire straits in regard to liquor on Sunday, the Hotel will gladly furnish you with as many bottles as you desire at $2.00 more per bottle than the state liquor store’s retail price. On Monday the fan can get his liquor at the normal price in Camden, N.J. by taking any bus at Market St. to the aforementioned city, and getting off at the first stop after crossing the bridge. Coming back the fan should be a bit careful in showing bottles, because of a law against transporting liquor from one state to another. It is not recommended that he buy a whole case, because it’s a little difficult to hide in his vest pocket or her garter, as the case may be. And incidentally you must be 21 years old to purchase it – or older, o’courz.
LOOKING FOR SOMEONE? [Filler line at the bottom of the center column; who knows what it meant?]
This is our first issue. . . help make it better tomorrow by giving news to one of the staff. . . .
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At the Auction tonight in the Burgundy Room, a complete bound set of Unknown magazines will be raffled off as well as lots of cover art.
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A tape recorder interview taken by telephone with Milt Rothman will be presented over a Philly radio station. Time to be announced.
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A television interview will be held Monday a.m. at 9:00. Twelve prominent sf personalities will appear.
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Dave Eynon is taking care of radio, newspaper and TV coverage.
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At the Banquet an NBC executive will be present to consider arranging for a nationwide NBC network sf show.
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All persons interested in discussing new methods of choosing con sites, please see Dave Kyle by Sunday night.
Your editor (dak) stole Ed Wood’s typer to put out this newspaper. He brought it all the way from Chicago. How thoughtful!
Beware the holidays - most nearby restaurants and cafes will be closed Sun & Mon. The Hotel dining room and basement coffee shop will be open.